Identity Security

Helps ensure you keep your organisations biggest asset and the resources they have access to safe

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Ensure your staff have access to the right resources at the right time

Digital transformation has boomed, and almost every business relies on technology to stay productive; this has opened up unprecedented vulnerability to networks.

One fact will remain: All identities can be privileged under specific conditions, and as a result, Identity security has become the new security battleground for businesses around the world.

Validating business application users and ensuring they can access only what they need is a foundation of enterprise protection. The importance of enforcing access on a "need to know" basis becomes increasingly important as networks become more accessible via remote access methods.

Context or access is the big differentiator with our offering. AI works to separate a friendly request and what is a threat, then grants only what is needed just in time.

Should an enterprise asset become compromised by an adversary in one area, strong authentication controls make it much harder for them to move laterally around a network. Thereby reducing the likelihood of business-critical systems and data being compromised because potential threats are contained, neutralised and then remediated before any critical damage is done.

Keep staff secure and productive

Know who's accessing your network

Verify the user's identity at the time of login, ensuring the person logging in is who they say they are and not a hacker.

Added security

Remove the risk of only using passwords for your most sensitive systems.

Automate processes

Automate onboarding and off-boarding user identities, save time, and empower HR to provide role-based system access to staff.

Device management

Get visibility of the devices coming on and off the network, implement policies, quarantining and isolation techniques to manage devices.

Power of AI

Access is granted just in time, so your workforce can get secure access from anywhere, when they require it.

Be compliant

Meet compliance requirements such as PCI DSS, ISO2700:1, SOC compliance, APRA, ISM.

Your partner in Identity Security

Enable your employees, contractors, and partners to have secure access to applications and resources without compromising productivity

Transform your business through ours.

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Endpoint Security

Ozian360's specialist Identity Security team looks at the following security controls: Multi-factor Authentication, Network Access Control (NAC), Privileged Account Management (PAM), and Identity Access Management and Single Sign-On (IAM & SSO).

An Ongoing Partnership that Evolves and Scales

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