Red Team Testing

Red teaming supports your organisation’s security infrastructure by testing and identifying vulnerabilities in its physical assets, technologies, processes, and people, and allows your blue team to train in a safe, simulated fashion

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A strategic approach to detecting vulnerabilities and training your blue team

In the world of IT, the red teamers’ role is to challenge your organisation’s security infrastructure, and the IT teams’ response, by simulating real-world attack scenarios to reach your critical accounts, credentials, secrets, or any other goal set.

Red team attack simulations are implemented to test your controls' robustness, justify security spending, and help your team refine your response procedures and loss mitigation processes. The defenders in red teaming activities are the blue team, who may be employed within your company or engaged as security consultants.

During a red team exercise, your blue team will be charged with blocking our red teaming activities. In the process of this risk-free adversary simulation, all security gaps are identified, enabling your organisation to develop more robust security controls.

At Ozian360, our highly trained red team members will work closely with your organisation to design red teaming activities that meet your overall security objectives, budget and time frame. Depending on your needs, we can commence red team activities with limited knowledge of your security infrastructure or, if time and budget are more limited, with an assumed breach scenario. The initial access vector is white-carded.

At the conclusion of the red team exercise, you will be presented with a thorough review of the red teaming activities, detailing every attack simulation, your blue team’s response, and an assessment of the strength of your existing security defence.

Our security experts will detail any vulnerabilities, document opportunities to improve your organisation’s defences and deliver a step-by-step guide to support remediation.

Protect your organisation from the threat of an attack

Understand your security infrastructure vulnerabilities

Ozian360 experts will mount a risk-free real-world attack to test your security posture.

Support your team with world-leading security advice

Benefit from the expertise of Ozian360 red teamers who have an unsurpassed knowledge of emerging international approaches to cyber attacks and hacking.

Understand the investment required to boost security infrastructure

Red teaming activities provide detailed evidence of vulnerabilities and required remediation for reporting to Boards, security strategising and budgeting.

Expert guidance to bolster security

Our highly-trained security consultants and engineers will provide detailed advice on how to bolster infrastructure and physical security controls to protect sensitive information.

100% Australian based

All Ozian360 consultants and engineers are based in Australia with years of security experience. Your IT Infrastructure security is our top priority.

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Simple, Resilient, and Cost-effective
Red Teaming

Your partner in Red Team Testing

Ozian360 security experts will customise and implement a red team exercise to support your IT resource in its effort to meet your organisation’s security goals.

Your partner in Red Team Testing

Transform your business through ours.

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Offensive Security Services
Hackers are always looking at ways to find vulnerabilities in your security, so it's vital to protect against attackers.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a red team?
A Red Team is a team of highly trained security consultants that uses its skills to challenge an organisation’s security posture deliberately. These ethical hackers aim to identify gaps in your organisation’s defences and demonstrate how it would fare against real-world adversaries. When implementing red team activities, Ozian360's highly trained security professionals will conduct targeted attacks to test every level of your organisation’s security. By challenging its physical security controls and through cyberattacks, our red teamers will develop a vulnerability assessment of your organisation’s defences. Our security experts will then provide advice on countermeasures to enhance your security infrastructure.
What is a red team exercise?
A red team exercise comprises strategically planned attack scenarios that put your organisation’s security defences to the test and provide you with solutions to meet your security infrastructure goals. During a red team exercise, Ozian360's red teamers will challenge your organisation’s security posture holistically by simulating real-world threats and negotiating all of the security controls within your environment. Our team exercises will challenge your people, processes, and critical infrastructure to achieve the agreed target.
What is the goal of a red vs blue team exercise?
The whole idea of red team testing is to support your blue team - your organisation’s internal or external network security providers - in its effort to protect your organisation’s sensitive information from actual world cyber-attacks. Once our red teamers have completed their testing, they will present a review of the red teaming activities, detailing every attack simulation, your blue team’s response, the strength of your existing security defence and any vulnerabilities found. Our security experts will also document opportunities to improve your organisation’s defences and deliver a step-by-step guide to support implementation.
What are some common red team tactics?
Red team exercises take a holistic approach to testing security infrastructure, considering an organisation’s physical security, people, and processes. While penetration testing focuses on finding vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in specific technologies, red teaming activities replicate a real-world attack in its entirety. This will involve using multiple attack techniques and continuously adapting procedures or tools to suit the environment they are operating in to break down an organisation’s blue team's active defences.
Why is it called "Red Team"?
The term ‘Red Team’ was borrowed from military and intelligence operations. Red Teams were the offensive team, charged with challenging the plan for offensive/defensive operations and identifying gaps that could lead to failure. In the world of IT, red teamers are charged with gaining access to an organisation's most sensitive information by breaching its physical security controls and simulating targeted cyber attacks. The Missing Link’s red teamers are highly trained in criminal tactics, techniques and procedures based on research and actual breaches.

Want to challenge and strengthen your security posture?

It’s always better to be tested by a friend than an adversary… get in touch with us today, we’d love to chat about how Red Teaming can help.

An Ongoing Partnership that Evolves and Scales

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