Penetration Testing

Ozian360's penetration testing services will accurately simulate attacks against your systems and applications to identify then assist you close any security gaps

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Test, detect, refine, improve and protect your infrastructure

The risks of cyber-attack have risen exponentially thanks to an increasingly mobile workforce, cloud computing, big data, and changes to the concept of identity. This makes penetration testing critical to protecting your infrastructure from attacks and preparing your team to manage any unauthorised access attempts.

When you engage Ozian360, our certified penetration testers will undertake a thorough vulnerability assessment of your security controls. We specifically focus on one area, component, or system within the business and identify any potential vulnerabilities within its infrastructure or processes, adding context to how it fits and aligns with the business's overall desired security posture.

Depending on your organisation's security testing requirements, we will tailor-make a testing approach that fits your needs, which can range from web application penetration testing to external and internal network and infrastructure, all the way to social engineering and mobile applications.

Although testing usually starts with a vulnerability scan, our team will spend the majority of the engagement using their skills and years of experience to manually identify and contextualise security vulnerabilities, ensuring issues such as business logic security vulnerabilities are identified where automated testing would fail.

Minimise risks, maximise protection against unauthorised attackers

Minimise risks, maximise protection against unauthorised attackers

Our ethical hackers will identify vulnerabilities in your network, applications and devices so that you can strengthen your security posture.

A ethical hacker you know you can trust

Ozian360 follows global best practice to manage all information security risks effectively.

Security intelligence to take your business forward

Certified in industry-leading practices and methodologies, your security assessment will be successfully delivered with expert guidance to reduce your attack surface and improve your security posture.

A customised security assessment

Our penetration test team will work with you to define your security goals and prepare a penetration testing service to meet your needs, timeline and budget.

100% Australian based

All Ozian360 consultants and engineers are based in Australia with years of security experience. Your IT Infrastructure security is our top priority.

World recognised penetration testers

We pride ourselves on being a company other can learn from with our highly trained security team.

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Simple, Resilient, and Cost-effective

Your partner in Penetration Testing Service

Ozian360 security testing experts use targeted penetration testing tools to conduct ethical hacking exercises that help identify vulnerabilities so you can strengthen your security posture.

Your partner in Offensive Security Services

Transform your business through ours.

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Offensive Security Services
Hackers are always looking at ways to find vulnerabilities in your security, so it's vital to protect against attackers.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a penetration test?
Penetration testing puts your people, processes and infrastructure to the test to identify any vulnerabilities in your security that could leave you exposed to a threat. Our highly awarded, certified security consultants will undertake technical security testing of your organisation's current systems, policies, procedures and infrastructure to assess whether they meet security best practices. Our security vulnerability scanning will identify weaknesses and provide guidance to remediate them, deliver an in-depth understanding of how your company compares to industry competitors, and provide a roadmap to achieve best practice standards.
What types of penetration tests can be done?
Penetrating testing involves short engagements focused on identifying misconfigurations and vulnerabilities within an organisation's security infrastructure. Although penetration testing does not emulate a real-world attack, Ozian360's thorough security testing will identify weaknesses that would allow an attacker to gain control of your systems or data. Our penetration testing solution will also include reports for your executive and technical team that offer guidance to remediate vulnerabilities and bolster your organisation's security. Depending on your goals, budget, and timing, your penetration testing solution can include: analysis of vulnerabilities in your web applications, external and internal networks, cloud services, web services and application Programming Interface, mobile applications, wireless security, within your people, who can often be the weakest link of an organisation's security, and custom or ad-hoc engagements, depending on the requirements.
Why is penetration testing important?
Increasing risks of cyber-attack, both from within Australia and worldwide, are a reality and can be devastating for a business's reputation and sustainability. Therefore, penetration testing exercises are critical to providing key insights into your organisation's security controls. They help you see where your business sits within the industry, understand what needs to be done to meet industry best practice standards, and how to take action to minimise your attack surface. Ozian360's penetration testing solution will help identify any weaknesses in your organisation's security posture and provide practical guidance on remediating issues raised. The penetration testing services will also help prepare your team to manage any attempts at unauthorised access by a malicious attacker.

Want to challenge and strengthen your security posture?

It’s always better to be tested by a friend than an adversary… get in touch with us today, we’d love to chat about how Penetration Testing can help.

An Ongoing Partnership that Evolves and Scales

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