Application Security

Prevent your application from becoming another statistic in the fight against cybercrime

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Design and develop secure applications to prevent unauthorised access

Application security is the process of protecting online services and applications from threats that exploit vulnerabilities in your code. If you are developing web applications for your clients or the public to use, you have a responsibility to ensure your applications are protected.

Application vulnerabilities are the result of security weaknesses in the code. These vulnerabilities can be exploited to gain unauthorised access via various attack vectors, such as Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injections, Remote File Inclusion, Cross-Site Request Forgery and more.

Reduce costs by catching these security vulnerabilities very early in the application development life cycle. As the application proceeds through various stages of development, each security defect becomes exponentially more difficult to rectify and, therefore, more and more costly. Catching issues in the early stages of development are crucial to having an effective Application Security program.

Our experience with industry-leading security testing tools can help you get the most out of: Static, Dynamic or Interactive Application Security Tools, Software Composition Analysis, Web Application Firewalls, or Runtime Application Self Protection tools.

Your applications hold data. Protect your data from unauthorised access.

Secure DevOps

Implement modern, best in class security through our tried and tested processes. No DevOps? Let's help you implement it.

Protect your reputation

Be safe in the knowledge your application is more secure, protecting your business from financial and brand impact.

Reduce vulnerabilities

Be able to identify, isolate, remediate & report threats in line with new disclosure laws.

Security Tooling

We combine experience with industry-leading tools to ensure you get the most from security testing tools.

Train your staff

Our consultants and security researchers will train your developers to establish a security-first mindset.


We understand the unique challenges faced by developers and have the security experience to solve them.

Your partner in Application Security

AppSec will not directly generate profit, but it will save your business a significant amount of money and your priceless reputation

Transform your business through ours.

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Endpoint Security

The Missing Link can assist with your Application Security, whether it's training, threat modelling, secure code design, code review or complete consulting services. Security doesn't have to break the bank either.

We will work with you to provide a solution that suits your budget and risk appetite.

Whether you are just starting your journey and want our consultants to show you the ropes, or if you have a mature approach to AppSec and wish to take it to the next level - we have one of the best reputations in the business!

An Ongoing Partnership that Evolves and Scales

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